Dear Brethren and Friends: The quantity of Anti-Masonic literature and rhetoric that is circulating throughout our society seems insurmountable. Some Brothers have given up! They have chosen to “hide under the pillow” and hope that “Anti-Masons” will go away. Other Brothers have rationalized that confronting “Anti-Masons” somehow gives credence to their allegations, so they abstain from confrontation with them. Many Masons are puzzled! They do not understand why Anti-Masonic literature and rhetoric, with its misrepresentations about our fine fraternity, continues to exist. What makes someone an “Anti-Mason”? Most “Anti-Masons” fall into one of three categories: Those one-time Masons who are angry with the fraternity; because they have either been removed from the fraternity, they have voluntarily left the fraternity in disgrace, or they have left the fraternity because they have had a conflict with another Mason, or Masons. Those who are greedy; and who are out to take advantage of society. They are out to make a lot of money, or gain personal prestige, through the production of “hate literature”. They use fear of the unknown to attract the public to their real cause - themselves. (They may, or may not, have been Masons.) Who better for them to take on, than the oldest and largest fraternity in the world? Those who hold respectable and prestigious positions in life, who are ignorant about the fraternity’s practices and beliefs, but naively put their entire faith, trust, and belief in the un-official and unauthorized literature that they have read, by erroneously-called “Masonic Leaders”. They choose to believe the Anti-Masonic rhetoric they have been exposed to. They have no direct knowledge of what they are talking about, and usually have no desire to gain this knowledge. They are looking for things to substantiate their own prejudices. Yes, anger towards the fraternity, greed for money or prestige, and ignorance of the facts, are three characteristics that would best describe most “Anti-Masons”. Therefore, intelligent confrontation with “Anti-Masons”, and education of the public about the real practices and principles of Freemasonry, will help discredit Anti-Masonic advocates, and help eliminate their unsuspecting audiences, who may be looking for a “cause” to promote and support. Recently, Worshipful Brother Frederic G. Heath, of Michigan, with his 29+ years of Masonic study and service as a 32nd. Degree Mason, has emerged as a trusted and respected speaker for Masonry. He has been effectively leading the way, (especially in religious leadership circles) by carrying the educational and positive messages of Masonry to the public; and by successfully confronting the misrepresentations of the Anti-Masonic community. Fred is now Certified for the Ordained Ministry in the United Methodist Church, and is preparing for Post-Graduate Seminary study at the Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KY. Therefore he will be extending his travels to areas throughout the Midwest and Bible Belt. While Fred feels that his first and most important calling, is his call to serve God and his Church, he feels that he can also help correct the distortions and mis-information about Freemasonry, by continuing in the future, to speak out as a Masonic Past Master, and as part of the Pastoral Community, about what is, and what is not, the truth about Masonic teachings and beliefs. To successfully continue this effort, he will need your help! Page Two Post-graduate study for his Master of Divinity Degree, supporting a family consisting of his wife (Sherie) and their three children (Brad, Abbe, and Julie), the cost of travel for speaking engagements that confront the Anti-Masonic community, and carrying his positive educational messages about Masonry to the public, has today become very expensive! You could help! When Fred’s schedule permits, your Lodge could arrange for him to come to your Community to speak-out for Masonry, and share with your Brethren, his travels confronting Anti-Masonic leaders. (His messages are both inspirational and informative!) This can be arranged by sending your FAX or EMAIL request to the appropriate destination listed in the letterhead on the previous page. (A Lodge dinner, with Fred as the keynote speaker, would be a good opportunity to invite the Anti-Masonic leaders of your community, or prospective Lodge members, to learn more about Freemasonry, and get some of their questions answered!) If Fred’s schedule does not permit his appearance at your scheduled event, then as an individual, or as a Lodge, you could support his expenses for his Pastoral education and/or his travel for Masonry, by a financial contribution. Your Lodge contribution, or your own individual contribution(s), can be sent to the address that is at the bottom of this page. PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHECKS PAYABLE TO “GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTERIAL EDUCATION FUND” (PLEASE DESIGNATE FUNDS ARE FOR FRED HEATH!) For a contribution of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars or more, you will receive for one year, a quarterly newsletter relating Fred’s Masonic travel and accomplishments. When you receive this newsletter, feel free to make copies of it, and then distribute them quarterly, to every interested member of your Lodge! (Fred’s Newsletter “Christian Travels With The Craft”, is enlightening and easy to read!) Whether you schedule Fred to come to your Lodge, or whether you make a Lodge or individual financial contribution to his educational fund, (Which will help offset his expenses for travel, to defend and support the Craft) you will either directly or indirectly, be contributing something positive for Freemasonry, by contributing your share of what it will take to help stop Anti-Masonic rhetoric. We ask that you either read this letter in Lodge, or distribute it among your Brethren. Please join our committee’s efforts to sustain Fred’s important work, for the people of our great nation, and for our great Masonic fraternity! Sincerely, The Committee of Fraternal Christian Leaders The Committee of Fraternal Christian Leaders (Not an official Masonic Committee) COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (ALL MASONIC CHRISTIANS) FAX: (810) 772-2936 EMail: FGH522@AOL.COM PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: “GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTERIAL EDUCATION FUND” DESIGNATED FOR FRED HEATH, AND MAIL TO: GOOD SHEPHERD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 31601 HARPER ST. CLAIR SHORES, MI 48082